ISSN 1538-1080

Category: Editorial Musings

Using any therapy as an opportunity to heal the collective consciousness and our planet: Lessons from Ho’oponopono and WHEE

There is fascinating, impressive research evidence suggesting that a collective consciousness exists. Meta-analyses confirming telepathy, clairsentience, psychokinesis as components of collective consciousness are of such a high confidence levels that the chances that these results are random occurrences range between less than one in a million to one in ten million billion billion. If we

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Wish Pollution

Have you ever had an unlikely wish come true? Did you have the feeling that you may have made it happen perhaps through the strength of your desire or your activation of an energetic pattern of intent as you wish for it? For the most part, people assume that when wishes come true it is

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The Many Faces of Time

We have many perceptions of time, not only that of the clock ticking and the sands of time dwindling in a cosmic hourglass. Shamanic time, the sense of time in traditional healing, provides important alternative perspectives on ways in which time may be problematic or healing in our lives. Deeper understandings of time provide broader

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In the Complementary/ Alternative Therapy (CAM) community, it is commonly accepted that there is a biological energy (bioenergy) that surrounds and interpenetrates the body. The National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) acknowledges energy medicine as one of the branches of complementary and alternative medicine. Conventional science has been skeptical about this because it

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In the Complementary/ Alternative Therapy (CAM) community, it is commonly accepted that there is a biological energy (bioenergy) that surrounds and interpenetrates the body. The National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) acknowledges energy medicine as one of the branches of complementary and alternative medicine. Conventional science has been skeptical about this because it

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The What and the How

How we approach each person and each task in life may be as important as the content of how we relate and what we do. This has been explored extensively in psychotherapy literature, with observations about how non-verbal communications contribute to the positive or negative responses we get. Going beyond this level, considering spiritual healing

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What Is Your Favorite Feather?

Each of us has props to support our beliefs particularly in areas of our lives where we cannot prove these beliefs. These props are most helpful when we venture into the unknown, but may also hold us back from trusting in our own abilities to master the unknown.

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Mind of Head, Heart, Relationships and of Spirit

Introduction In wholistic conceptualizations, our primary consciousness resides in spirit and is expressed through body, mind and relationships. The logo of the IJHC includes an icon that represents the interlinking of mind in head and in heart, and that is the focus of this discussion. The mind of relationships, wherein we participate as individuals in

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Compassion Fatigue

The recent tsunami in Asia and major earthquake in Pakistan have highlighted problems long recognized in the helping professions. Caregivers have known well the potentially draining experiences of compassion fatigue from experiences of policemen, firefighters, paramedics and other emergency and rescue personnel, through doctors, nurses, psychotherapists and counselors, and not to overlook the family members

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