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October 2024, Vol 24, No 4

Editorial Musings – Discouraged About Giving Advice?
Dr. Kendra Gaines, Editor-in-Chief, IJHC It wouldn’t surprise me at all if occasionally alternative practitioners get a bit discouraged about giving advice, even when it is eagerly sought. I am not such a practitioner, but as I have long followed their advice, to the benefit of my own health, I occasionally offer suggestions. I did

The Effectiveness of Advanced Integrative Therapy in Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Oriel Romano Celestin With the rapid advancement of technology and social media, research and awareness about the correlation between neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD, and technology use has increased (Steve & Grubb, 2018). The ADHD diagnosis dates back to the 1960s, and due to its more recent origins, psychiatrists, behavioral health, and medical providers have

Advances in Energy Psychology
Welcome from the Symposium Coordinator Welcome to the Wigwam! We held our annual conference here in 2002, and it’s great to be back here again. Energy psychology is an international affair. Last year, twenty research studies and eight systematic and comparative reviews from Australia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the US,

Tapping: Self-Healing with the Transformative Power of Energy Psychology
Reviewed by John Freedom Tapping is a phenomenon. Tapping has become a populist movement, as thousands and even millions of people are tapping on themselves to relieve aches and pains, fears and phobias, cravings and addictions, anxiety and depression, and many kinds of negative emotional and psychosomatic issues. It is both a powerful technique used

The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology Conference
The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology will be hosting its Fourteenth Annual Research Symposium next year. We are accepting research studies and papers in the fields of Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine to be presented at our international conference May 29, 2025, in Phoenix. Energy Psychology is a relatively
Networking Oppurtunities
International Reports of Conventional and Complementary Practitioners
Healing with Humor, Poetry, Imagery,
Art, Music, Dance, and Movement
Complementary Therapies
Clinical Observations
Wholistic Approaches – Education and Practice
Wisdom and Healing Shared through
Books and Other Media
Healing our planet
Clients’ Experiences with
Complementary Therapies and
Integrative Care