Why Do We Dance
From Shiloh a Native Jesus, by Steven WinterHawk A child asked her Grandmother: Why do we Dance? Her Grandmother answered: Did you not hear about Wounded Knee?
From Shiloh a Native Jesus, by Steven WinterHawk A child asked her Grandmother: Why do we Dance? Her Grandmother answered: Did you not hear about Wounded Knee?
Abstract WHO/PAHO have acclaimed Cuba for achieving full access to primary care and developing pharmaceutical solutions from research into neglected diseases which plague developing nations. The Cuban health system currently incorporates a wide variety of TM therapies that are consistently integrated with conventional medical approaches to treat a broad range of afflictions In Cuba, Traditional
Abstract Background: PTSD is a serious problem in the Unites States, and not just among veterans. The U.S. National Comorbidity Replication Survey estimated the lifetime prevalence of PTSD among adults at 6.8% and that women were more than twice as likely as men to have PTSD at some point in their lives. Therefore, it is
Overview Many have noticed that the veil between this world and the subtle realms is thinner at and after times of birth, as well as at death. The English poet William Wordsworth worded this most worthily in his great poem Ode. Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (1807): Our birth is but a
Beyond symbol, art, and myth Beyond history, politics, and dogma There breathes my God. Beyond bigotry, self-interest, and greed Beyond intolerance, oppression, and violence There waits my God. Beyond uncertainty, skepticism, and doubt Beyond despair, suffering, and loss There breathes my God. For years, I doubted my God I felt betrayed by intolerant dogma I
Many of us experience that prickly feeling with our body hair standing on end and our skin in goose bumps at various times. This is often associated with chills, shivers and certain emotional states. Less known, however, is that this prickle is informative and effective in the fields of health care and spirituality. This is
Subtle Energies in earths landscape are in every way analogous to those in the human body. Pathways of chi similar to the meridians of chi in our own body are variously termed earth meridians, dragon lines, ley lines, grid lines, song lines and other appellations in other cultures. Research has shown that these lines were
I strongly encourage individuals to discover areas in their lives in which taking more responsibility for choice supports well-being. A case in point was a recent story shared with me of Sandler, a woman who claimed to have healed herself from the ravaging results of diabetes mainly by changing her lifestyle and attitude. When I
The perceived causal relationship between body and mind is central to various psychotherapy theories. This paper speculates on the evolutionary aspect of this relationship since the Big Bang, as well as on causality and on how these issues are relevant to psychotherapy practice, especially in the Zeitgeist of a growing confidence in genetics, biochemistry and,
[Editorial note: This talk is so well conceived and written by such an interesting person, that the IJHC obtained permission to transcribe and publish it. If you prefer to view the YouTube, please scroll to the bottom of this article.] I believe that one of the biggest examples of separation syndrome in our lives is