ISSN 1538-1080

Category: Commentary

Miriam – Dynamind Treatment with Judy Steele, MTP

A year following my car accident, I continued to experience daily, debilitating pain in my back, neck, arms and hands. Because this puzzled my Chiropractor, even though we were doing everything we could, Id begun to sense that there was another component to the pain I experienced. On an energetic level, as well as emotional,

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Treating “Frozen” Latent Fantasies in Trauma Therapy

Trauma involves dissociation, and dissociation from the reality of the present moment can produce varieties of fantasies, such as a revenge fantasy or a fantasy that the traumatic event did not occur. These fantasies can become an integral aspect of the trauma itself, capable both of triggering posttraumatic symptoms and interfering with treatment and healing.

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Healing the Collective PTSD of Humanity

AbstractSerious global challenges in our world threaten the continuation of human life and of most life as we know it on our planet today. Humanity as a whole appears determined to suicide through any or all of a variety of abuses by humans of each other and of our planet. This discussion explores the possibility

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Heart Rhythm Meditation to Reduce Auditory Hallucinations and Anxiety: A Single Case Study unpublished version

Abstract Objective: Exploration of new ways of self-soothing and grounding to help with the integration of the fragmented self of a person diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. Design: Single case study comparing symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia while on antipsychotic medication plus body-mind focusing exercises followed by a period without medication in which body-mind focusing exercises were

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Empathy, Intention, and Attunement in Healing Touch (HT): A Small Phenomenological Study

Abstract Objective: To explore patients lived experience and process of receiving Healing Touch (HT) biofield therapy during serious illness. The intent was to document the full range of outcomes experienced by the patients; most notably, whether the use of energy healing transformed the patients self-perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, emotions and behaviors regarding their illnesses and recoveries.

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Childrens Fears

By Daniel Benor, MD Children at any age may be frightened by experiences in real life or through the media, particularly when they observe violence or injuries. They may easily misunderstand what has happened and may be scared that the same or worse could happen to them. Adults may assume that the children are simply

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Non-Catheter simple, non-invasive, bladder draining method with no running costs

Abstract This paper introduces a method of completely avoiding antibiotics for post-operative prostate patients having a much-reduced ability to pass urine. Antibiotics are otherwise continually needed to treat recurring infections caused by catheters used for bladder draining. Frequently after a prostate removal operation, the bladder cannot be emptied because the detrusor (bladder-squeezing muscle) had been

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