ISSN 1538-1080

Author: IJHC Editor

Editorial Musings

It takes real courage these days to go to an airport and attempt to board a plane. I say “attempt” because, as those of us who have tried to fly recently have discovered, there is no guarantee that you will be able to board that plane or that the plane will actually leave the airport. All too often, as I found, that dreaded “cancelled” message appears just an hour or so before the plane is due to depart. And there you sit, stranded and abandoned.

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Dr. Daniel Benor, MD Obituary

Dan made his transition on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at the age of 81. He died peacefully in his sleep at home, surrounded by his wife Linda, step-son, his cat and dogs. He was in a lot of physical pain, and so we are grateful that he is now resting in peace.

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The Effects of Intention-Broadcasting on Subjects Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Part I–A proof of concept study

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are complex, lifelong, neuro-developmental conditions of unknown etiology. They are clinically evident from early childhood and characterized by impaired ability to interact socially and restricted, stereotypical behaviors. The objective of this pilot study was to broadcast intention to subjects diagnosed with ASD and assess its impact over a period of one year.

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The Effects of Intention-Broadcasting on Caregivers of Subjects Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Part II–A proof of concept study

In a previous article by this author and his colleagues, pilot data were presented demonstrating the merit of a novel health care intervention, the Intention-Broadcast (IB), for subjects diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) In our pilot study a specifically devised concurrent IB was offered to parents of the autistic subjects over a period of one year. In this article, we present data that were obtained in parallel to the data presented in the previous article.

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GRIT Athletics Complete Athlete Performance Assessment

Coaching young athletes with the intent of helping them develop into top performers in their sport is a challenging endeavor that requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Coaches must undergo continuous education on the various dimensions that comprise an athlete’s life, as a way of eliciting the highest levels of effort, dedication, and focus the athlete can muster, in order to accomplish the difficult task of expanding the limits of what they’re capable of. Without addressing the complex conditions of the athlete’s life as a whole, implicit tension can start to build between the coach and the athlete, gradually inducing a level of stress that can lead to burnout on both sides of the relationship. It’s not enough for the coach to simply get to know the athlete, which typically happens through conversation and observation.

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Establishing a Base Curriculum for Reiki Training

Brief interviews were done with community members. A literature review was then undertaken of over 50 books that are focused on training Reiki. Sixteen training manuals, including the original manuals created by Usui ( which had been changed into book form) and 10 journal articles on training, were reviewed. Commonalities in training topics were identified. A second review was done to determine areas that are commonly or frequently missing from training programs that are appropriate to this community and often taught in health care settings.

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Exploring The Impact Of Melody and Key As Part Of Music Therapy

When we remember the music and impression it made on us, even though it could have been years ago, first of all, we tend to remember the melody. So, what is the melody? At the simplest level melody is a musical pattern made of different pitches which are meaningfully organized. However, melody may have completely different emotional and even intellectual meaning and impact if even one pitch in a melody is changed. If you change the key signature of a melody, a completely different emotional perspective can be created. Try this: go out to the internet and select two different performers singing or playing the same song. What are the differences in how you perceive the music? Do you like one better than another? Does one make you happier and another version sad?

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Treating Trauma with Energy Psychology

Advanced Integrative Therapy is a comprehensive energy psychology technique which integrates psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, exposure and imaginal therapy with a holistic, body centered, energetic approach. It was developed by Asha Clinton, PhD. AIT rapidly and deeply treats traumatic symptoms such as disturbing emotions, negative beliefs and attitudes, addictions, compulsions, obsessions, dissociation, physical abreactions, and spiritual challenges.

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We Must Remember: The Battle Never Ends

One of my earliest memories is of my mother telling me, “A good husband is a wonderful thing and a good marriage makes life happy. But never forget that sometimes a husband can die, and then, my dear, it’s up to you. Always make sure that you can manage your own life.” As time went by, I began to see the wisdom of her words, and I came to value my independence. Even more, I saw that when a woman controls her own life and her own money, she can function successfully either with a husband or without. Above all, she can make her own decisions about how she wishes to live her own life. It never occurred to me that such independence of mind and action—perhaps especially for a woman—would be endangered.

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Call for Presentations: 2023 EP Research Symposium

The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology will be hosting our Twelfth Annual Research Symposium next year. We are accepting research studies and papers in the fields of energy psychology and energy medicine, to be presented at our international conference on Thursday, June 1, 2023 in Baltimore.

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