ISSN 1538-1080

Category: Research

Changes in Cognitive-Affective Balance and Flexibility, Life Balance, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Forgiveness, Valuing, Well-Being, Spiritual Awakening, Cognitive Fusion, Experiential Avoidance, the Working Alliance, and Outcome in Psychotherapy

By Philip Friedman, Ph.D and John Freedom, CEHP This practice-based evidence approach demonstrates how to measure change, using digital assessments by Pragmatic Tracker and Blueprints weekly on a wide variety of empirical measures. The article utilizes an ICBEST model for psychotherapeutic interventions. Some of the specific interventions utilized in this case study include integrated forgiveness

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Body Awareness and Autonomic Reactivity: The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress in a Clinical Population

Body Awareness and Autonomic Reactivity: The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress in a Clinical PopulationBell, J., & Stapleton, P. 1. School of Psychology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia. Abstract IntroductionTraumatic experiences in childhood have long-lasting psychological impacts on the developing brain and cause significant dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system,

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Changes in Cognitive-Affective Balance, Life Balance, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Forgiveness, Psychological Flexibility, Valuing, Well-being, Spiritual Awakening, the Working Alliance, and Outcome in Psychotherapy

Changes in Cognitive-Affective Balance, Life Balance, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Forgiveness, Psychological Flexibility, Valuing, Well-being, Spiritual Awakening, the Working Alliance, and Outcome in PsychotherapyA Case Study (20 sessions)By Philip Friedman, Ph.D IntroductionThis article demonstrates that the major change ingredients during psychotherapy over 20 sessions are cognitive-affective balance and life balance.  MethodsThis practice-based evidence approach demonstrates how to measure change,

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Energy Medicine: Current Status And Future Perspectives

 Christina L. Ross, PhD   Current practices in allopathic medicine measure different types of energy in the human body by using the same types of quantum field dynamics that are used in nuclear medicine, radiology and imaging diagnostics. Once diagnosed, current treatments revert to biochemistry instead of using biophysics therapies to treat the disturbances in subtle

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The Effects of Intention-Broadcasting on Subjects Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Part I–A proof of concept study

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are complex, lifelong, neuro-developmental conditions of unknown etiology. They are clinically evident from early childhood and characterized by impaired ability to interact socially and restricted, stereotypical behaviors. The objective of this pilot study was to broadcast intention to subjects diagnosed with ASD and assess its impact over a period of one year.

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The Effects of Intention-Broadcasting on Caregivers of Subjects Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Part II–A proof of concept study

In a previous article by this author and his colleagues, pilot data were presented demonstrating the merit of a novel health care intervention, the Intention-Broadcast (IB), for subjects diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) In our pilot study a specifically devised concurrent IB was offered to parents of the autistic subjects over a period of one year. In this article, we present data that were obtained in parallel to the data presented in the previous article.

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Restoring Wholeness To Psychiatry: Models Of Understanding

RESTORING WHOLENESS TO PSYCHIATRY: MODELS OF UNDERSTANDING Gregory Brown, M.D.1, Lisa Durette, M.D.2, Timothy Ebright, D.O.3, Katie Cho, D.O.4 1 Director of Psychiatry Residency Training, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at the University of Nevada Las Vegas 2 Director of Child and Adolescent Fellowship, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at

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Mills et al.

Energy Healing Use in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Number and Distribution of Practitioners, Types of Therapies Offered, and Costs for Services Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.1 Margaret M. Moga, Ph.D.2 Judy Ferrig, M.S.3 Caitlin A. Connor, DAOM, AMP, PGDip, EHP-C4,5 1 Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA.

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