ISSN 1538-1080

Category: Commentary

Backyard Bounty: Guelph’s Urban Agriculture Project

Backyard Bounty is a unique community-based agricultural project that began in the spring of 2008 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Our small business is partnering with community members to use their yard space and convert them into productive vegetable gardens. Landowners receive either some vegetables or a discount on the price of a share in return.

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Benefits of Intergenerational Programming

Abstract Said the little boy, Sometimes I drop my spoon. Said the old man, I do that too. The little boy whispered, I wet my pants. I do that too, laughed the little old man. Said the little boy, I often cry. The old man nodded, So do I. But worst of all, said the

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FEAD Yourself a Different Way

When I rolled out my first series of Mindful Eating classes in 2006, I had no idea how deeply the class participants would be getting into the roots of their maladaptive eating patterns. We were soon opening up hidden reservoirs of pain and suffering many of which had their origins in the antiquity of their

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Being Here

Ive been resisting doing energy work, lately, preferring to focus on simply being present with myself in life. Not doing for others. Not serving which feels to me like a laden word and concept these days. So I was surprised the other day when I felt compelled to do energy work with a woman who

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Art & Healing

Ive always wanted to be an artist. So I made up my mind one day in the year 1991. I started making things and havent stopped. I dont try to complicate life or my art. You can admire the simple beauty in it. It may leave you in awe, but its not complicated. This computer

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Circles: A Merging of Art and Intuition

Our energetic bodies, which are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, carry a wealth of information and insights about who we are, who we were and who we are able to become. These have color, shape and symbolic meaning, containing rich resources for growth, creativity and healing. Intuition can bring about the recognition and identification of

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Migraine Aura: Suggestions for Spiritual Approaches to Migraine Headaches

Abstract: In the 1990s, practitioners of orthodox scientific medicine engaged in dialogues with much passion about the reintegration of religion into medicine. It was shown that many complaints and illnesses are soothed more easily if the patient is spiritually active. This article is a contribution to this development. It examines the phenomenon of the migraine

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The Emergence of the Goddess

The mystery of the woman is hidden in the depths of the heart. Her innocence is protected in the embrace that surrounds her like the petals of the rose surround the bud. The secrets of her nature are revealed when the light of the spirit of love beholds the fullness of her being, and the

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