ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 6, Number 1

Ethical Codes Used by US Reiki Practitioners

While energy medicine is beginning to develop as a professional discipline, there are no nationally supported codes of ethics for energy medicine practitioners in the US. This lack of a set code of ethics makes it difficult for both energy medicine practitioners and clients to distinguish appropriate professionalism in the field. Within the energy medicine

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The Great Confessional: Virginia Woolf on Illness

The success of Michael Cunninghams Pulitzer Prize winning novel (1998) and the Academy Award winning movie (2002) The Hours has brought Virginia Woolf to the forefront again. Illness plagued her throughout her life. Humans posses a tendency toward repeated and protracted illness that helps define who we are. In On Being Ill, Virginia Woolf lays

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IJHC Book Reviews January 2006

JC Hugh MacKimmie. Presence of Angels: A Healers LifeSteven Gaynor. From Physician to Healer: A doctors encounters with spiritual healingLori Wilson. De-mystifying Medical IntuitionJohn OM Bokris. The New Paradigm: A Confrontation Between Physics and the Paranormal PhenomenaSharon R Kaufman. And a Time to Die: How American Hospitals Shape the End of LifeNo One Dies Alone:

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In 1988 a light hit my forehead. That evening, around 9 p.m. I decided to go to bed early. As soon as I lay down I felt a sudden sleepiness come over me. It was like my eyes were being forced closed, even though I was fully conscious of what was going on. I heard

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Emotional Body Healing

This article is a short version of a booklet I wrote Hello, My Pain, Welcome. What Can I Do For You? Introduction into Emotional Body Healing. With this article I will guide you through the technique of Emotional Body Healing the way I practice it now. The suggestions to the client are in bold print,

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No Slam Dunk and more

NO SLAM DUNK in a candid moment mother once said Show me a man who thinks hes in control and Ill show you a clever woman. and certainly she was the sovereign head of the kingdom I came from I didnt go to college. I was sent! off to study optometry groomed to step into

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A Healer’s Journey

A wise healer shares many decades of healing experiences Presence of Angels: A Healers Life took five years to complete. Using my past writings and journal notes, I focused over fifty years of healing into one book with the help of my wife and editor. To my surprise, the book seems to carry a healing

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The Nature of Life

When I was four years old I was home in bed with one of my frequent ear infections. I took a toy telephone I was playing with and unscrewed the dial and put all the pieces in my mouth as I had seen carpenters do with nails, which they then pulled out to use. The

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No One Dies Alone

Since my own humble beginning with No One Dies Alone (first as a volunteer companion in the early days to assisting in organizing systems from what began as a grassroots movement to becoming Program Coordinator), I have come to see this great program touch many lives in many ways. From those of us who serve

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