ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 4, Number 3

A Qualitative Analysis of the Long-Term Effects of Energetic Healing on Symptoms of Psychological Depression and Self-Perceived Stress

6 Reiki sessions produce effects lasting a full year This study examined the long-term effects of Reiki, a form of energetic healing, on symptoms of psychological depression and self-perceived stress as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Hopelessness (HS), and Perceived Stress (PSS) scales. Forty-five participants in need of healing were randomly assigned

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Grief, Grace, and Transformation: A Window’s Journey (Part1)

Journaling and poetry can ease the journey through widowhood Holes How is it possible to bear the grief of losing My companion, friend, lover, husband, and family? The holes created in my life are too numerous to be counted Do numbers even matter? Who am I? Once stripped of him, of his presence- What is

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Death has a Bad Reputation

Our world can be perceived and experienced as matter or as energy. Einstein suggested this early in the 20th Century in his famous equation, E = mc2 and modern physics has amply confirmed this theory. Matter and energy are two sides of the same coin. Newtonian medicine focuses on the matter side of the equation

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Why Do the Work of the Body? A Perspective on Healing from a Body-Centered Approach in Psychtherapy

This article provides a framework for understanding how traumatic experience impacts the whole organism. Distorted thought process and projection, defensive verbal expression, tension pattern, disturbed subtle energy field, inhibited breathing, and characteristically-held body posture all exhibit the nature of the specific physical and emotional traumatic experiences of the individual. Accessing the information available within the

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Healing and Transformation

Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation. Anything can be healed. One or Two Months to Live When I had terminal cancer in

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Taking the History

David Watts is an unusual physician not only in being an extraordinarily caring human being, but in writing poetry about his work. I met him at the Conference on World Affairs in Boulder Colorado, where we spoke on the same panels. He tells wonderful stories of sharing these poems in healing ways with his patients.

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Borderline Personality (Part3): Recovering the Soul

It is possible to recover from severe abuse Over the past two issues of IJHC, we have explored the long-term effects of child abuse/neglect, and the initial steps required for recovery. A brief summary will bring the final phases into focus. People who were abused as children develop a tear in the mind-body fabric, as

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