ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 4, Number 2

A Month-Long Study of the Effects of Holistic Interventions for a 68-Year-Old Widower Coping with Cancer

This qualitative single case study explores the impact of a month-long program of holistic interventions, including self-massage, toning, meditation, painting, creative writing, dreamwork, visualization and prayer, for a 68-year-old widower with cancer. Other elements included semi-structured interviews and viewing of videos on psychic awareness, life after death and family systems therapy. The research question was

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An Empirical Study of the Transmission of Healing Energy via E-Mail

This research studies the intentional encapsulation of healing energies into an email text message and transmission of these energies via the Internet to an intended intuitive recipient. This study, framed within the field of energy medicine, researches the potential impact on the learning of distance student, and investigates a method for a stronger link-transference of

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IJHC Book Reviews May 2004

-Larry Lachman and Ric Masten. Parallel Journeys: A Spirited Approach to Coping and Living with Cancer-Wayne Muller. Legacy of the Heart: The Spiritual Advantages of a painful Childhood-Guerrero, Diana L. What Animals Can Teach Us about Spirituality: Inspiring Lessons from Wild and Tame Creatures.-Dogs that Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: and Other Unexplained

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From Animals as Mirrors, Animals as Healers

Josephine, a 5-year-old lab mix, was going blind from retinal atrophy. She told me, The man is mean to her and makes her sad and cry. When Ellen, her person, called, Josie had just come out of a 6-hour episode where she was frantically bumping into furniture and walls. Josie said Ellen did not see

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Cats and Birds: A Backyard Experience

One of the most important teachers I have had over the past two decades was undoubtedly my cat Muschi, a stray that adopted my husband, Paul, and me about ten years ago and whose arrival led to many miracles in our household. Muschi adopted us by showing up at the deck door every evening and

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A Cat Participating with Healers

Our Reiki circle met at Susie Cotsworths for the first time today. Her cat Homey decided to participate. I had been holding my hand above this individuals shoulder, when Homey put his paw out and did the same. He spread his toes. I am sensitive to energy and saw him sending it to her (which

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Teaching Healing: A Serious Challenge

Our world can be perceived and experienced as matter or as energy. Einstein suggested this early in the 20th Century in his famous equation, E = mc2 and modern physics has amply confirmed this theory. Matter and energy are two sides of the same coin. Newtonian medicine focuses on the matter side of the equation

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Let It Be a Dance: Words and One-Liners

Ric Masten is an unusual person in many ways. He is a rare combination of a poet with a big heart, wry humor, intellectual insight and emotional intelligence. In addition, he has developed a form of art he calls one liners. These are drawings that are created in a continuous line, without lifting pen from

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