ISSN 1538-1080

Day: April 20, 2024

Editorial Musings

Editorial MusingsDr. Kendra Gaines, Editor-in-Chief, IJHC Some time ago I watched with great interest a program about the latest developments regarding DNA. The scientific information itself was fascinating, but I took away from the program some wonderful wisdom regarding living life. That wisdom is what I’d like to share with you here. None of this

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Body Awareness and Autonomic Reactivity: The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress in a Clinical Population

Body Awareness and Autonomic Reactivity: The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychological Distress in a Clinical PopulationBell, J., & Stapleton, P. 1. School of Psychology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia. Abstract IntroductionTraumatic experiences in childhood have long-lasting psychological impacts on the developing brain and cause significant dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system,

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Changes in Cognitive-Affective Balance, Life Balance, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Forgiveness, Psychological Flexibility, Valuing, Well-being, Spiritual Awakening, the Working Alliance, and Outcome in Psychotherapy

Changes in Cognitive-Affective Balance, Life Balance, Depression, Anxiety, Self-Forgiveness, Psychological Flexibility, Valuing, Well-being, Spiritual Awakening, the Working Alliance, and Outcome in PsychotherapyA Case Study (20 sessions)By Philip Friedman, Ph.D IntroductionThis article demonstrates that the major change ingredients during psychotherapy over 20 sessions are cognitive-affective balance and life balance.  MethodsThis practice-based evidence approach demonstrates how to measure change,

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Book Review: The Adventure

The Adventure; A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening by Steve TaylorReview by Dr. Philip Freedman The British spiritual psychologist, Steve Taylor, covers eight different areas that the author considers essential to spiritual awakening: disidentification, gratitude, presence, altruism, acceptance, integration, detachment, and embracing mortality. It was not clear to me why the author called the book Adventure

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Book Review: The Mystery of Life Energy

 The Mystery of Life Energy Biofield Healing, Phantom Limbs, Group Energetics, and Gaia Consciousnessby Eric Leskowitz MDBook Review by Lisa Nemzo “The heart is a pump, the eye is a camera, and the brain is a computer.”…“They are wrong turns that have sent modern science and medicine (and even society itself) off in a mistaken and

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