ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 9, Number 2

Healing Humanity with Homeopathy: Homeopathy for epidemics, collective trauma and endemic diseases

Abstract: Homeopathy has proven to be a potent and effective system for healing individuals because individualizing each case is the essence to its methodology. Homeopathys greatest asset, though, appears to be in individualizing treatments for larger totalities, such as epidemic diseases. There are impressive historic examples of such broader applications of homeopathy the 20th century.

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Healing: A Theory Based on Intentionality

Understanding and studying healing is one of our challenges as health care providers. This study is a presentation of a secondary analysis of data collected to study intentionality in the context of healing. Six healers and six healees, five of each who participated as dyads, described their experiences and their concepts of healing. The theory,

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