ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 7, Number 1

Geriatric Applications of Craniosacral Therapy: Established Allied Health Professionals’ Use of a Complementary Modality

This survey provides helpful suggestions for helping older people with a variety of symptoms. Therapist and client reports suggest craniosacral therapy is a helpful modality. While use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is well-documented in the elderly, little is known about the use of specific modalities other than chiropractic and acupuncture or of practice

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What Is Your Favorite Feather?

Each of us has props to support our beliefs particularly in areas of our lives where we cannot prove these beliefs. These props are most helpful when we venture into the unknown, but may also hold us back from trusting in our own abilities to master the unknown.

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Part II: A short primer on the Raven Flower Essence

Introduction The following writing accompanies the Destiny kit of essences, made over a six-month cycle in 2005. With the Irish kit, I was inspired directly by the landscape. In making the Destiny kit, I was prompted by my inner guidance to make the kit by creating various combinations from my repertoire of three hundred essences.

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Ric ponders the nature of zealots; struggling to be in the present; disposing of the ashes of a cremated friend: the psychology of suicide: and phosphorescent creatures from the sea.

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ESSENCE OF HEALING: Vibrational infusion of flower essences

Vibrational Infusion is a method that uses intention to receive the benefits of flower essences (such as Andrea Mathiesons Raven Essences) without ingesting them. After developing and using this method for several years, Karin Cremasco found she could also teach others to use this vibrational essence method. Cremasco and Mathieson developed what is essentially a

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METHOD OF LEVELS THERAPY: Helping the normal change process within a person when normal change doesn’t seem to be happening by itself.

This in-depth study demonstrates the value of single-case research, as well as confirming the value of the particular method that was studied. Method of Levels (MOL) Therapy is described and applied to the case of a woman whose husband died. MOL Therapy is derived from Perceptual Control Theory. Session to session changes within the woman

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