ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 6, Number 2

Energy As Emotion

Emotional wellness is a complex subject. Each of us has our own conditioning that tells uscertain emotions are good and others are bad. Well, heres the news: emotions are neithergood nor bad. Emotions are simply energy moving through the body. Emotions are notsomething to be gotten rid of, judged, or analyzed. Anger, for example, in

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Dad, Please Give Us a Sign

Sunday night we had to say goodbye to our dear little Sammi. We had found Sammi in a pet shop a little over fourteen years ago. She was quite a sight, this tinypuppy that had very short hair, and longer snips of feathers sticking out randomly over her body.We were told she was a mix

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YOGA OFF THE MAT: Darshan in the Streets

Zen Starbucks You can find enlightenment at any time and in any place. Tonight it zapped me at the Starbucks at the corner of State and Main in Doylestown, PA. There I sprawled in a comfy chair across a low table from my friend, Deev (short for Diva) as we sipped favorite drinks; coffee for

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The Land’s View

Download PDF > I had an unusual offer from a gifted intuitive who volunteered to facilitate an interview with a rock, to be done anonymously to keep the focus on the land. I know this intuitive to be a person of great gifts and great integrity. Here is what ensued:

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