ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 6, Number 1

No Slam Dunk and more

NO SLAM DUNK in a candid moment mother once said Show me a man who thinks hes in control and Ill show you a clever woman. and certainly she was the sovereign head of the kingdom I came from I didnt go to college. I was sent! off to study optometry groomed to step into

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A Healer’s Journey

A wise healer shares many decades of healing experiences Presence of Angels: A Healers Life took five years to complete. Using my past writings and journal notes, I focused over fifty years of healing into one book with the help of my wife and editor. To my surprise, the book seems to carry a healing

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The Nature of Life

When I was four years old I was home in bed with one of my frequent ear infections. I took a toy telephone I was playing with and unscrewed the dial and put all the pieces in my mouth as I had seen carpenters do with nails, which they then pulled out to use. The

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No One Dies Alone

Since my own humble beginning with No One Dies Alone (first as a volunteer companion in the early days to assisting in organizing systems from what began as a grassroots movement to becoming Program Coordinator), I have come to see this great program touch many lives in many ways. From those of us who serve

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Words and One-Liners, Take 2

I like this, the second book by Ric Masten, even better than the first. What makes it more appealing to me are the arrangements of poems into groups, such as Personals, I should have slept on it, and Words for survival. I find it tastier to have a medley of poems about family relationships, writing

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Spirit Release, A Case Study

A brave surgeon develops his gifts of healing A board certified foot and ankle surgeon and podiatrist is faced with a client in severe pain who appears to be resistant to every form of healing available to him through his training and experience in conventional medicine. On the verge of admitting his inability to help

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Traditional, Complementary, Alternative, and Psycho-Social Modalities of Treatment, Jan 2006

Life events, personality disorders and suicide attempts Massage increases natural killer cells in women with breast cancer Early Migraine Headaches Helped More with Acetaminophen-Aspirin-Caffeine (AAC) Combination Than Sumatriptan Misperceptions about nicotine can hamper smoking cessation U.S. ahead of many other Western countries in medical errors Psychotherapy clients utilization of complementary and alternative therapies

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Samuel Avital Interview

DB: Im delighted to be able to interview you, Samuel. I truly admire what Ive read and heard about your work in helping people open to inner awareness through movement and mime. I think it would be helpful to start with a thumbnail sketch of where you were born and raised and how you got

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