ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 5, Number 3

Living in a Place of Love Rather Than Anger, Hurt and Fear

There is one Moral Principle the Love which springs forth from a willing heart, surrendered in service to God and Humanity, and which blooms in deeds of beneficence. Hazrat Inayat Khan Living in a place of love generates healing in you and in those with whom you interact. By clearing your blocks to being a

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Profound transformations through self-acceptance I call my work PhotoTherapy. PhotoTherapy combines black and white photography and journal writing as tools for changing womens negative self-image. I ask women to keep a journal when they decide to be photographed through six weeks afterward. Women start the photographing clothed and disrobe during the session. Everywhere we look,

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IJHC Book Reviews September 2005

-Joseph M. Felser. The Way Back to Paradise: Restoring the Balance between Magic and Reason-Bruce H. Lipton. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles-C. Stephen Byrum, Ph.D. & Leland Kaiser, Ph.D. Spirit for Greatness: Spiritual Dimensions of Organizations and Their Leadership-Matthew Smith. The Soul Knows: A Path of Listening-Jeffrey Keen.

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