ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 3, Number 1

Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics

Specific intention is imprinted into the host device via four very qualified humans acting from a deep meditative state. The device then acts as an effective surrogate for these humans, plus cooperating parts of the unseen, with respect to transferring this specific intention to the experimental site of the appropriate target experiment. The main target

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Healing Through Art

This is an attempt to look at the power of art by taking a very impersonal view of some of my experiences as an artist to find possible answers to its mystery

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Choices in Anger

Anger is a natural inner response to being endangered or hurt. Challenges that commonly elicit anger include: Being attacked verbally or physically Being threatened verbally or physically Intrusion upon or disrespect of our boundaries Physical Social Not receiving Something in the outer world that was promised or expected (material or benefits) Behaviors or attitudes that

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Resonance Tuning And Self-Healing

Resonance Tuning is a process that was discovered in the mid 1990s as one way to balance biological energy fields. While there is no objective evidence that this is being accomplished, the clinical results that many people are getting are consistent with the theory. Using a Resonance Tuner in the form of a small card,

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Impact of Nursing Models in a Professional Environment: Linking Spiritual End-of-Life Care to Nursing Theory

End of life care through the lenses of nursing theories Spiritual facilitation is a method in which the nurse provides spiritual intervention to assist in resolution of end-of-life (EOL) issues, supported by nursing conceptual models, and promoting positive client and family outcomes. The proposed approach of spiritual facilitation, intervention, nursing education and conceptual models of

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The Hidden Language of Intuition

Medical intuition and healing in clinical practice Energy medicine and intuitive diagnosis have come to the forefront of complementary/ alternative medicine (CAM) meridians and chakras have gone mainstream. Many medical and psychological intuitives work from a model that says disruption in the balance of the energy system due to trauma is the root cause of

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The Anthropological and Scientific Case for Psycho-Energetic Healing

Variations on the theme of healing: Christian, psychodynamic and psychoenergetic Part 1. This dissertation examines psycho-energetic (bioenergy) psychotherapy, the anthropological and scientific/medical validity of bioenergy as a construct, and three psycho-energetic therapy paradigms with mature theories and interventions. Paradigms discussed include pre-psychodynamic (Christian), psychodynamic (Pierrakos, Lowen, Brennan), and post-psychodynamic (Confluent Somatic Therapy of Steven Vazquez)

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