ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 20, Number 1

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS): Context, process and a Case Study

Abstract Could it be that the initial clue that alcoholism is a brain disease was discovered as early as the 8th Century? At that time, German Psychiatrist, Carl Wernike and the 9th Century Russian Psychiatrist, Sergei Korsakoff identified memory loss and extreme neuropathy as the symptoms that now bear the name Wernike-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS). This

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Life Balance, Emotional Stability, Well-Being and Spiritual Awakening-Part 2: Shorter Scales and An Evidence Based Approach to Change in Psychotherapy

Abstract This article is a clinical research article based mainly on the authors psychotherapy practice. It updates and shortens the Friedman Life Balance Scale (FLBS) and Subscales, the Friedman Spiritual Awakening Scale (FSAS) and Subscales and the Friedman Mini- 5 Factor Scale or FM5FS (that includes an emotional stability subscale) first introduced in the Jan.

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