The Last Leaf
To lifeOr deathNow do you cling;Why this life in limbo?Harken now, warbler singTo share with youThis bent bough.
To lifeOr deathNow do you cling;Why this life in limbo?Harken now, warbler singTo share with youThis bent bough.
Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas .– Shoseki I am struck by the varieties of newer psychotherapeutic interventions that involve two or three modality stimulation of the brain and/or mind and/or body as a portion of their methodology. I speculate here on whether the multiple focus of awareness might be
Ive always wanted to be an artist. So I made up my mind one day in the year 1991. I started making things and havent stopped. I dont try to complicate life or my art. You can admire the simple beauty in it. It may leave you in awe, but its not complicated. This computer
Melatonin Treatment for Schizophrenics with Tardive Dyskinesia Ginkgo biloba Combined With Haloperidol in Treatment-Resistant Patients With Schizophrenia Abnormal Stress And Night Eating Syndrome Evidence-Based Psychological Interventions and Clinical Psychotherapy Practice Startle Response and Salt Sensitivity The Media, Oncology, Cancer Patients and The Internet