ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 10, Number 1

Energy Psychology in Africa: Exploring Spiritual Dimensions

Four practitioners from the United States went to Rwanda in September of 2009 on a humanitarian trip to work with orphan survivors of the 1994 genocide who are still suffering from complex posttraumatic stress disorder. They used a variety of energy psychology techniques for trauma desensitization both in a group setting and also in individual

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Circles: A Merging of Art and Intuition

Our energetic bodies, which are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, carry a wealth of information and insights about who we are, who we were and who we are able to become. These have color, shape and symbolic meaning, containing rich resources for growth, creativity and healing. Intuition can bring about the recognition and identification of

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My Journey to Recovery from Mercury Poisoning and Multiple Sclerosis

Though I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in August, 1989, with numbness in the legs and hands, visual disturbances and extreme fatigue, I continued to work full time as a travel agent until 2004. After many emotional stresses at work, caused mainly by interpersonal struggles, I began to feel confused, foggy and had difficulty

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In Search of Mindfulness

Having gained insights into the nature of mindfulness, primarily through the engagement in specific craft activity, the author embarked upon a journey through Japan in order to further explore the subject of mindfulness in relation to both craft production and in its applications to health care practice. Relating these experiences to the Western interpretation of

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