ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 1, Number 1

Editor’s Musings

Welcome to The International Journal of Healing and Caring – On Line. The IJHC is a reader-friendly forum for exploring issues of wholistic, whole-person care – focusing on harmonization of body, emotions, mind, relationships (with other people and with your environment) and spirit. Perspectives of caregivers as well as those of the recipients of treatments

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Art is Healing, Healing is Art: a Collaborative Vision

My fascination with healing dates back to my high school years when a dear friend suffered third degree burns over 75 percent of his body. I watched his recuperation with the emergency life-saving treatments, the skin grafting, the physical rehabilitation, and the agony his spirit went through. These opened my eyes to a process that

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The Uses of Food as Medicine

In Western biomedicine, nutritional therapies have been proven cost-effective modes of treatment in such well-researched conditions as hypercholesterolemia (McGehee 1995) and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (Franz et al 1995). While patients are receptive to dietary advice from their doctors, that advice is seldom forthcoming in any great detail, as many physicians have minimal training in

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Experiences of a Mother with Midwifery and Hospital Obstetrics

I have been there: both with epidural and without, and I can say that each was right for me at the time. Here we face the age old problem of not imposing ones own values on others. But especially in terms of the patient/doctor relationship because there is definitely a power imbalance there, how to

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Caring Moments in the Stress Lab

Working in the cardiac stress testing department of a mega-hospital complex is a little like working in a factory, except that instead of producing widgets, our factory produces completed cardiac stress tests. There is pressure from supervisors to get patients tests done quickly, so that more tests can be done. The departments emphasis on efficiently

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Healing in Norway

Healing has been part of traditional folk medicine here, as in all cultures. Healing has also been an important part of the Norwegian Sami culture. Both the medicine of the Sami people and Norwegian folk medicine in general suffered under pressure form the church and the medical profession for several hundred years, but has still

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