This article discussed the use of a digital assessment and tracking approach to life balance, emotional stability, well-being, spiritual awakening, anxiety and depression. Using Pragmatic Tracker (PT) and Blueprint (BP) 6 Friedman Scales plus outcome measures were presented to demonstrate how to administer, score, record, track and graph changes during psychotherapy session by session. 18 tables and graphs of change were shown. A case study of a distressed couple showed different trajectories of change for the husband and wife. The couple reported that tapping, the psychological uplifter and Friedmans Forgiveness Solution book were powerful variables for change. Pragmatic Tracker (PT) and Blueprint (BP) which are both available on computer, tablet, or cell phone were compared for similarities and differences. Both Pragmatic Tracker (PT) and Blueprint (BP) present very colorful graphs of change on their websites and are HIPAA compliant.
Keywords ; Digital Tracking, Well-Being, Life Balance, Emotional Stability, Spiritual Awakening