ISSN 1538-1080

Diagnosis Shock: The Unrecognized Burden of Illness

Diagnosis Shock: The Unrecognized Burden of Illness

Diagnosis shock is the phobic reaction people experience the moment they first suspect or are told that they have a serious physical or emotional illness. Researchers have found that patients diagnosed with serious illness experience shock and trauma which can result in irrational reactions and behaviors and in some cases lead to serious psychological illness. This retrospective study of more than 100 patients was designed to help psychological and physical healthcare practitioners recognize, prevent, and treat diagnosis shock. This paper is the first report of diagnosis shock in patients with no clinical illness and the first report of the use of Energy Psychology techniques to successfully prevent or clear diagnosis shock from the unconscious mind and body This study found that, untreated, patients phobic reactions to diagnosis shock could cause compliance problems including failure to follow through on instructions or participate in prescribed treatment plans for dealing with the disease that was diagnosed, behaviors possibly leading to adverse health outcomes. Diagnosis shock also adversely affected relationships of some patients with their healthcare providers, caregivers, and family members and diminished overall quality of life. This study also describes how diagnosis shock may interfere with doctor-patient relationships and cooperation, and can contribute to caregiver burnout. Based on these findings, healthcare practitioners are given treatment suggestions for preventing and, if necessary clearing, diagnosis shock from patients and their families.

The International Journal of Healing and Caring
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