ISSN 1538-1080

The Healing Power Of Doodling: One Woman’s Spiritual Adventure through Breast Cancer

The Healing Power Of Doodling: One Woman’s Spiritual Adventure through Breast Cancer

One day I found myself looking outside the kitchen window wondering if God truly existed. If so, why would He (or She) have me journey through breast cancer for a second time? Im not even talking about a recurrence of the original cancer two years prior, but a new and unrelated cancer in my other breast. At that time in my life, I had been deeply immersed in my own spiritual journey for nearly 10 years and naively thought that I would be immune to a repeat medical diagnosis. After all, I thought I had learned my lessons, created the necessary paradigm shifts in my personal philosophy as I learned how to better nourish and nurture myself, unearthed the gift and was moving forward to a new chapter in my life While nervously waiting for test results at my doctors office, my mind began to race from one worrisome thought to another. All those what-if scenarios began to emerge: What if this happens? What if that happens? If the nurse had taken my vital signs in that moment, Im sure they would have been elevated. I knew I needed to do something, so I asked her for a piece of paper and pencil and began to doodle. While I had no idea what I was doing, I was beginning to feel more relaxed. I easily became lost in this creative activity. Fear and panic were being replaced by a sense of calm and peace

The International Journal of Healing and Caring
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