ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 9, Number 3

A Remarkable Recovery from Breast Cancer

A 38 year-old woman was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and given a fifty percent chance of survival. This was a doubly difficult challenge to deal with, as it came one week prior to her final divorce court day. She underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, experimental chemotherapy and 11 reconstructive surgeries. She found

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Minding Our Business and Losing Our Mind: How can we recover our full consciousness after losing it, in time to save our civilization from suicide?

Wholistic healing opens us to consciousness of dimensions within and beyond the physical body that have been ignored by conventional medicine, psychology and by modern science as a whole. In addition to mind, which conventional science and medicine attribute solely to electrochemical activities of neurons in the brain, there are emotions, relationships with other people

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