ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 9, Number 2

In this issue of IJHC

This issue of IJHC witnesses several shifts in: Our editorial staff: Promoting me to Editor in Chief, and promoting Ruth Sewell, PhD, Martina Steiger, ThD, BEd, MA, and Loren Toussaint, PhD to Editors; Editorials that may include staff other than myself, as in this issues; and Publication focus that will include a new section on

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Healing Humanity with Homeopathy: Homeopathy for epidemics, collective trauma and endemic diseases

Abstract: Homeopathy has proven to be a potent and effective system for healing individuals because individualizing each case is the essence to its methodology. Homeopathys greatest asset, though, appears to be in individualizing treatments for larger totalities, such as epidemic diseases. There are impressive historic examples of such broader applications of homeopathy the 20th century.

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Prescription: Humor Healing

I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer Stage II B in February of 2008. I had a full hysterectomy and six chemotherapy treatments of combined Taxol and Carboplatin over the course of six months. I am in remission and continue to build back my physical strength through diet and exercise. I never lost my mental strength!

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An Artist’s Vision

Sue Coleman paints the animals, plants and landscapes of British Columbia including their spirit and energetic aspects. The spirits are taken from First Nation traditions.

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IJHC Book Reviews May 2009

Lombardo, Tom. (ed.) After Shocks: The Poetry of Recovery for Life-Shattering EventsDavid Korten. The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth CommunityThe Pear Proposition: Scientific Study of Consciousness-Related Physical PhenomenaPhilip Yancey and Dr. Paul Brand, The Gift of Pain: Why we hurt and what we can do about itSandra Ingerman. Shamanic Journeying: A beginners guideMehmet Oz,

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Editorial of Editor Listening from Within the Heart

In a world that is mainly characterized by doing, by results and measurable accomplishments, and by doing more and more in a shorter period of time, Being remains a largely foreign notion. Often we will hear people talk about doing nothing, which may include watching television or surfing the net, according to their definition. Is

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Scleroderma: My Path to Healing

There are several different types of Scleroderma. I was diagnosed with the most critical variation on this exquisite torture By January, 2002 my skin was rock hard. I thought I could not move my fingers because of the swelling but I soon discovered my hands were frozen in a claw-like position because of my skin.

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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) For Traumatic Brain Injury

Sally came to a San Francisco EFT activity in September of 2007 along with fourteen other people with significant physical or emotional issues. Six years previously, Sally had been involved in a serious automobile accident and was diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Among her presenting symptoms was poor balance and the necessity to use

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