ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 7, Number 2

Personal Growth through the Brain Management® Course

The following article presents a graduate students assessment of personal development and growth that has been facilitated by the practice and integration of the Brain Management techniques into her daily personal and professional life. The role of personal belief statements as the key to releasing learning challenges, such as dyslexia, is given particular attention. A

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A Dream of Initiation

Betty Smith presents a single case study of a Native American dream, with a variety of frameworks for understanding this spiritual connection. I honor Ted Silverhand, the Tuscarora Seer who chose to share his boyhood experience of a dream with me, the dream vision where he was first introduced to his spirit guides and directed

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The Power of Mantra

For thousands of years, in a wide range of cultural traditions, people have been using sounds in a variety of ways to contribute to health and well-being. There are traditional songs, chants and music to accompany many social activities. In some indigenous tribes, virtually every activity is preceded by a ceremonial chant, whether it is

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The Integrated Treatment of Cancer in Chinese Hospitals

The author is a practitioner of Chinese Herbal medicine and acupuncture in the UK, specialising in the management of cancer. He spent two weeks in China, and observed the herbal treatment of around 70 patients with cancer. Some of these patients received conventional or western treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while some received

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Love, Laughter, Humor and Healing

Humor and laughter have sustained me in my work and sustains and heals my patients on their path to healing from a variety of health challenges. Acting like a child helped me to see the world with joy and bring out the child in others. Despite our wounds we can still laugh. Live your life

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WHEE on the Move in Peru and Canada

WHEE (Whole Health Easily and Effectively) is a potent self-healing technique, elegantly simple and easy to learn, yet deeply potent and rapid in its effects. It allows people to release negative emotions quickly, even when these have been caused by severe traumas that occurred years earlier. WHEE proved helpful to children with severe traumas in

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The What and the How

How we approach each person and each task in life may be as important as the content of how we relate and what we do. This has been explored extensively in psychotherapy literature, with observations about how non-verbal communications contribute to the positive or negative responses we get. Going beyond this level, considering spiritual healing

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Words & One-Liners, May 2007

I’m stuffed into a silver suit….is it enough to be the attendant pumping gasinto a car driven by someone who worksthe night shiftat a factory making partsfor one small componentin a rocket engine?

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An Evolution of Love

I no longer remember where I first found the perspective I am about to share, but I do know that it wasnt my own work, so Ill honor its creator anonymously. The idea I am referring to suggests that the first, and theoretically lowest, form of love we experience is that we love someone else

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