ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 5, Number 3

Measuring Children’s Intuition in a School Setting

A total of 2,040 children were tested in a school environment with a computer software program designed to measure the intuitive ability of predicting a future, randomly selected target. This precognition test consisted of 30 trials. Comparisons between gender and four categories of age groups ranging from 3-19 years of age were examined. Females scored

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Living in a Place of Love Rather Than Anger, Hurt and Fear

There is one Moral Principle the Love which springs forth from a willing heart, surrendered in service to God and Humanity, and which blooms in deeds of beneficence. Hazrat Inayat Khan Living in a place of love generates healing in you and in those with whom you interact. By clearing your blocks to being a

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Profound transformations through self-acceptance I call my work PhotoTherapy. PhotoTherapy combines black and white photography and journal writing as tools for changing womens negative self-image. I ask women to keep a journal when they decide to be photographed through six weeks afterward. Women start the photographing clothed and disrobe during the session. Everywhere we look,

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IJHC Book Reviews September 2005

-Joseph M. Felser. The Way Back to Paradise: Restoring the Balance between Magic and Reason-Bruce H. Lipton. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles-C. Stephen Byrum, Ph.D. & Leland Kaiser, Ph.D. Spirit for Greatness: Spiritual Dimensions of Organizations and Their Leadership-Matthew Smith. The Soul Knows: A Path of Listening-Jeffrey Keen.

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IJHC September 2005 Poetry

From Robert Carroll, The Art of the Brain, Los Angeles, CA: Bombshelter Press 2004. 44 pp $8 (including S/H) POETRY AND HUMOR ARE HEALING Ric Masten NO SLAM DUNK

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Balance Brings Better Intuition

Intuition is any leap of logic in thought or action. When we know something without knowing why we know it, thats intuition. When we find ourselves in the right place at the right time thats the result of our intuition, as well. Everyone is intuitive to some extent, but those who enhance their intuitive awareness

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Heart Failure – Preface

A medical student chronicles his struggles to maintain a healing presence To all the students who went to bed crying or woke up screaming. To all those who needed to leave their hearts at the door. I just graduated with honors from Tufts University School of Medicine, the class of 1999. I dont feel honorable,

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