ISSN 1538-1080

Tag: Volume 13, Number 1

Quitting Smoking: How to Use Emotional Freedom Techniques

Abstract Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) have been gaining strength in the published literature as strategies to reduce arousal symptoms such as anxiety. EFT falls under the umbrella of energy psychology techniques which combine physical or somatic processes with cognitive focus in order to reduce psychological distress. This article discusses the practical application of EFT to

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PresentChild: The Child as a Perfect Remedy for the Parent

Abstract Children are the ultimate remedy for their parents and the cured parents become the perfect remedy for their children. This article discusses how mirroring principles can be used in the treatment of children by considering their signs and symptoms as an expression of the source of healing they are for their parent(s). Helping parents

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Samsara, reviewed by Jim Perretta, PhD

In my high school physics class, I wrote an essay which posed the question: Have our lives improved from modern technology? Now, I also wonder: Are we more evolved than our forebears who did not have computers, cell phones, artificial organs, and other modern devices? How much technology do we need to have a good

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Mindfulness, Empowerment and Feminist Identity Development as Protective Factors Against Women Developing Body Image Dissatisfaction

Abstract Body image dissatisfaction among women is pervasive and associated with increased risk for maladaptive eating practices, poor self-concept, depression and psychological distress (Polivy & Herman, 2002; Wiederman & Pryor, 2000). Although the prevalence of dissatisfaction with body image is high among women (APA, 2000; Kruger, Lee, Ainsworth, & Macera, 2008), few studies to date

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Quitting Smoking: How to Use Emotional Freedom Techniques, January 2013

Abstract Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) have been gaining strength in the published literature as strategies to reduce arousal symptoms such as anxiety. EFT falls under the umbrella of energy psychology techniques which combine physical or somatic processes with cognitive focus in order to reduce psychological distress. This article discusses the practical application of EFT to

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Homeopathy and Psychotherapy

Abstract Homeopathy is the second major form of medicine in the world, used by an estimated 500 million people (Fisher, 2006; Schmukler, 2009) and included in the National Health Service in several countries, such as France, Mexico and Denmark. A comprehensive analysis of research evidence to date on the effectiveness, safety, and cost of homeopathy

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Overview of Complementary/Alternative Medicine in the Cuban Health System

Abstract WHO/PAHO have acclaimed Cuba for achieving full access to primary care and developing pharmaceutical solutions from research into neglected diseases which plague developing nations. The Cuban health system currently incorporates a wide variety of TM therapies that are consistently integrated with conventional medical approaches to treat a broad range of afflictions In Cuba, Traditional

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