ISSN 1538-1080
NAOEP, IJHC, NCCOEP and Akamai University have come together to create a low-cost human studies research ethics board with special rates for students. The board is available to NAOEP member organizations, NCCOEP certified practitioners, senior scientists, faculty, staff and students at Akamai University and those that have a made a special donation to IJHC. Please note that the board accepts donations and then offers a review as a thank you. This is a 501c3 organization and you will receive a donation letter for your taxes. Please keep the copy of the letter as that is your receipt.
This IRB is a federally registered IRB. It is not a federally approved IRB so if you are doing an NIH, DOD or other government backed study you will need to seek a federally approved IRB.
We accept submissions in the following areas:
  • Alternative wellness devices
  • Energy Healing
  • Alternative health care
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture including Qigong and Taiji
  • Homeopathy
  • Ayurveda
  • Herbal Studies
  • Sports Medicine
  • Integrative Health Care
  • Energy Psychology
  • Spiritual Healing
Please send us an email if your study type is not on the list to see if your study fits our parameters at and list IRB questions in the subject line.
NAOEP-IJHC Human Studies Research Ethics Board Leaders:
Chair of the Board: Dr. Caitlin Connor, DAOM, PGDip (Healthcare Research), AMP, EHP-C
> Vice Chair of the Board: Rev. Dr. Katherine Hunter, D.D., Ph.D.
Quality Assurance: Beth Greenwood, RN, MA
Submissions and Forms
Please submit all Human Studies Research Ethics Review Board (IRB) requests on the provided forms. Please note that all individuals who have contact with research participants or data must have CITIprogram human studies research ethics training.
If you are a faculty member supervising a student, you must have an HSRET CITIprogram certificate as well. All thesis committee and dissertation committee members must have CITIprogram certificates. All certificates must be within the last three years for approval. Standard medical and nursing ethics training are not accepted for this process. NIH research Ethics training within one year of submission will be accepted. University specific training not done through the CITIprogram will not be accepted.
Become a Human Studies Research Ethics Board Member!
We are always looking for individuals who would like to participate as an IRB member. You do not have to be a scientist to participate. We provide the training at no cost to you. Expect about 10 hours per month of meetings on submitted material. All studies submitted are confidential and you will be required to sign a document confirming that you will keep the material confidential or legal action will be taken. If you are interested, please email Dr. Connor at and put IRB in the subject line.
Suggested donations:
Full Study Review $2000
Expedited Review $1000
Exempt Review $500
Student donations are $500 for all submissions. Please note: if you are from a country where the annual individual income is less than $1000/year/US you may contact us for special suggested donations and to see if scholarships are available. All students are invited to see if scholarships are available. Scholarship requests should be emailed to attn scholarship request. All scholarship monies must be used for this human studies research ethics board. It will not be provided for use for another board.
If you would like to support scholarship donations, please be sure to check the list that your donation is a scholarship donation when you submit your payment. 100% of scholarship donations will be used for that purpose.