ISSN 1538-1080

Category: Poetry

Words and One-Liners, Take 2

I like this, the second book by Ric Masten, even better than the first. What makes it more appealing to me are the arrangements of poems into groups, such as Personals, I should have slept on it, and Words for survival. I find it tastier to have a medley of poems about family relationships, writing

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No Slam Dunk and more

NO SLAM DUNK in a candid moment mother once said Show me a man who thinks hes in control and Ill show you a clever woman. and certainly she was the sovereign head of the kingdom I came from I didnt go to college. I was sent! off to study optometry groomed to step into

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IJHC September 2005 Poetry

From Robert Carroll, The Art of the Brain, Los Angeles, CA: Bombshelter Press 2004. 44 pp $8 (including S/H) POETRY AND HUMOR ARE HEALING Ric Masten NO SLAM DUNK

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How Does the Heart Know Love?

Brad Walton writes poetry (mostly in prose format) that beautifully describes how our experiences and awarenesses through the heart inform and enlighten our lives. The poem that gives this book its title is my favorite.

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Taking the History

David Watts is an unusual physician not only in being an extraordinarily caring human being, but in writing poetry about his work. I met him at the Conference on World Affairs in Boulder Colorado, where we spoke on the same panels. He tells wonderful stories of sharing these poems in healing ways with his patients.

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Forgive Me 

Death surrounds me, Sixteen entities within a room, Clothed in blue and white garments, It is not heaven that they experience, but instead the cold steel of the blade, I feel guilt, guilt having been lost over time. A question arises, Will they forgive me?

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Being Here, (here) being

being hereIt is the same yellow and orange and red that surrounded me when I was fourteen and pissed off at my own mom for making me wipe table after table, so I guess I shouldn’t blame her for her smart-ass attitude.

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If I Knew

If I knew it would be the last timeThat I’d see you fall asleep,I would tuck you in more tightlyand pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

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