ISSN 1538-1080

Minding Our Business and Losing Our Mind: How can we recover our full consciousness after losing it, in time to save our civilization from suicide?

Minding Our Business and Losing Our Mind: How can we recover our full consciousness after losing it, in time to save our civilization from suicide?

Wholistic healing opens us to consciousness of dimensions within and beyond the physical body that have been ignored by conventional medicine, psychology and by modern science as a whole. In addition to mind, which conventional science and medicine attribute solely to electrochemical activities of neurons in the brain, there are emotions, relationships with other people and the environment, plus bioenergies and consciousness that open into spiritual awarenesses. The brain is the organ through which we think that we think. Ambrose Bierce How have we come to narrow our consciousness so severely in modern society? Much has been written on the difficulties that modern science has in dealing with the non-material aspects of consciousness, health and illness. I will not belabor these issues, other than to observe that modern science has preferred to focus on those phenomena in our physical world that are measurable, while declaring subjective awarenesses to be immaterial to science (as they define science). In Eastern and traditional societies, the science of subjective awarenesses is well researched. Study and consensual validation is achieved through meditation, with well-mapped pathways for personal development. Western science generally rejects this mode for research. Why have science and medicine had such a difficult time even considering the evidence for these transpersonal phenomena, much less accepting them? I believe that a major block to change may lie in the mind-set of modern science in English-speaking countries that has been shaped to a significant degree by our language.

The International Journal of Healing and Caring
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